Core Values


So you think you fit the profile? Whilst the detailed manifesto in under preparation, you MUST aspire to most if not all, the Core Values below to really appreciate the need for cohesive group action. Please read them carefully.

  • You cannot win with violence. Either individually or in a group. Too many superpowers control the war games. You will suppressed quickly.
  • You can only influence (never control it) any aspect of the political game sufficiently to cause positive changes only by mobilizing the majority of the population to support your cause. Mahatma Candy not Hitler style however.
  • 95%+ of how a proper society and an individual within one should function, was written thousands of years ago by the Ancient Greeks. One must read and adopt during his lifetime, at least, the teachings of Plato (Socrates), Aristotelis and Ippocratis.
  • You understand the need for collective action but you need to join the right group for you. Joining political parties blindly or for targeting a potential personal gain is the wrong attitude.
  • You are conscious of what you know but more importantly what you do not know. An unfounded opinion is worse than having none.
  • You cannot expect to be a value added member of such a cause if you:
    • watch any kind of  TV series, games, talk shows or any such kind of mind fogging rubbish TV productions
    • believe most of the news you hear on the media without investigating deeply other more reliable sources.
    • are fanatical (in the strict sense of the word) about activities like sports, arts, religions, gambling, etc
  • You understand that you need to actively do something to safeguard the inheritance of future Cypriot generations, more so for your own children
  • You are responsible for the upbringing of your children. Both parents equally. You cannot expect society in general (schools, public services etc) to do that for you and hold them responsible for your failure as a parent.
  • Culture is what you do when others are not looking. Your rights stop where the rights of other begin. Society and Government should abide unconditionally to this premises.
  • Not voting in general political elections is the most useless and fundamentally flawed attitude and cannot be tolerated.
  • One should vote for individuals in elections not political parties. Voting in parliament should be by name and everyone should be taking personal responsibility for what they stand for. No abstentions should be allowed. Yes or No votes only.
  • Relinquishing the Cyprus pound was and still is a fundamentally incorrect decision. 
  • Cyprus is too small to go it alone in this world. Divide and rule. Give a little bit to everyone so no single nation can threaten its sovereignty on its own. The majority of  land and large parts of the sea should become productive.
  • Cyprus can and must be energy independent. Use future gas/oil revenues to fund only renewable energy infrastructure. Core utilities eg electricity, water etc should never be privatised.
  • What can be economically viable to be produced locally should be sponsored and supported. Fresh produce should be in its majority cultivated and/or bread in Cyprus.
  • The Government should be run like a non profit, socially responsible corporation. No permanent posts and syndicates.
  • You need to keep physically fit to think straight. Everything in moderation is allowed.


This is the moment to sit back and reflect all the above.
If you want to be a part of this drive for change then please go to  Registration  and give us a name and an e mail. No need for formalities. We need to be able to contact you when news come out and when we organise an action that your participation might be needed. You understand and accept that there is no other way this can be done more efficiently in the 21st Century.